Nutritious Home Delivered Meals are for individuals, 60 years of age and older, who are physically disabled, homebound, or otherwise isolated and unable to prepare his/her own meal. This includes emergency meals to these individuals when meal delivery is suspended due to inclement winter weather. In addition to receiving a regular nutritious meal, individuals also receive a check on their safety and well-being by our caring meal drivers. Current Menu

Personal Care consists of trained aides coming to the individual's home to provide assistance with bathing, grooming, preparing meals, changing linens, helping with laundry, cleaning the home, providing emothional support and other care that assures the personal hygiene and safety of the individual.

The Caregiver Support Program provides reimbursement to caregivers who provide services such as personal care, respite, medical supplies/nutritional supplements, adaptive devices, home modifications, school supplies and seasonal clothing. The Caregiver Support Program is based around those caring for a functionally dependent older adult, individuals with Alzheimer’s or other chronic dementia, family members under the age of 18 or relative aged 18-59 with a non-dementia related disability.Carergivers and care receivers must meet the eligibility requirements set by the state of PA.

© Somerset County 2018
1338 South Edgewood Avenue, Somerset PA 15501 T: 814-443-2681 T: 800-452-0825